After 8 days and 7 nights we leave
Nanning. We left the hotel around 10:30 and took the 1 hour bus ride to the airport. Got through the airport with no problems and took a 1 hour flight to Guangzhou. The babies did great on the flight, it was really bumpy landing and some of them started crying then. Sophia did great! It took almost 2 hours to get all of our luggage and get loaded and out of the airport once we arrived. Another 1 hour bus ride to our hotel but this is the nicest hotel on our trip. We are staying on
Shamien Island, this is a small island on the bay of Guangzhou that used to be owned and controlled by England so it is very westernized. There are a lot of people from around the world staying here adopting babies.

Sophia saying
goodbye to our hotel in
Our bus driving Mr. Lee

Checking in

goodbye to our
guide and friend Michael

waiting to board

In flight

On the bus in Guangzhou

Our room in the White Swan Hotel
aw..the picture with maggie holding little sophi...awww..well youre almost here...hah only what..nine more day...well we all miss you guys...
creeping closer...closer...and closer! come home! come home! does your flight layover in charlotte? didn't think so! loving the daily updates and photos...thanks for doing that for us! see you soon! happy 4th!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience. We have been following your adventures everyday and are just loving it. Can't wait to meet the new member of the family.
We miss you and love you.
The Walkers
aw. i love the pictures of maggie and sophi. well I cant wait until the 16th when i will finally be able to meet her.
hey there!! I love looking at the pictures.I check every day.I can't waite to see all of you! Maggie,of course,looks cute in all of the pictures!and I know Ali and Matt are the best big brother and sister ever!
I love all!!
I have to agree that the picture of Maggie with her little sister is ADORABLE! Thank you for continuing to allow us to journey on your "Great Adventure" with you. What amazing memories you are all going to share. I am so glad you all got to be together to experience this. Keeping the prayers coming for you all.
I love all the happy smiling faces. Island hopping now, marvelous! The 4th just wasn't the same without your attendance. Who's got the blowtorch? We continue to pray for you all and a safe journey home. We love you! ttz
Mike - that picture of you and Sophi is a keeper! Looking thru the eyes of a mother, but it is really good. Loved the ones of Maggie and Sophi. Can you believe it is almost over? So many stories to tell. See you soon.
Love, Granny LaDanta
Happy to see the date July 4th which means 3 more days to coming home. It was so quite around here everyone doing their own thing just waiting for the NEWLINS.
My heart just skiped a beat when I saw those two sweet babie togethers.
Wish you could just come on to Tulsa. But with all that long trip behind you some rest is due.
Prayers are still on my lips for all of YOU.
Have a group hug for me.
Love Grandma Jane
Megan shared your good news with me and told me to check out your blog. Wow! I would say she was worth the wait! What a doll baby! A precious answered prayer!
Congratulations! You all look so in love with her and so happy!
God is good!
~Nancy Murray
Okay - how precious is that pic of Maggie and Sophi?????? Oh my goodness! Cannot wait to see you all!
Hugs, GiGi
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