For all of you that know about the red couch picture day this is it! If there is one thing that Elizabeth has watched group after group before us do, it is the red couch pictures. Of course our picture tour guide (Elizabeth) convinced all of the parents in our group to buy a traditional Chinese dress to take this picture in, some took some convincing but this is Elizabeth we are taking about. As you will see from the pictures it was well worth the effort. This was the hardest day to select pictures to place in the blog because we have so many. After the pictures, we walked about 5 blocks to take the girls Visa pictures for entrance into the USA, then we had to have another round of doctor visits. We all ate dinner together, this was a long but great day.
Breakfast at our Hotel
I wish we could find some nice places to eat!
In the center of the hotel
Red couch group photo

And here they all are, almost
Nothing more to say

Outside of the Visa photos

The doctor visit
What a DOLL BABY!!!! Sophi looks adorable in her little red dress on the red couch. I was wondering when the red couch day was. She always looks so HAPPY. Love that! Perfect little pose there on the couch - do we have another Newlin ham?? Maybe, like big bro Matt? Hmmm. Truly counting the minutes until I can see all of you in person. I'm just so excited!!
Love you all so much and still sending up prayers.
Oodles and oodles of hugs!
GiGi :)
OK...and of all the babies on that red couch...who's is the cutest??? was there ever any doubt? Scott says he liked her outfit...did you get it at China Gap??? So happy for all of you! Maggie is getting so tall! Love you all,
The photo of Sophia in her beautiful red dress on the red couch....the sparkle in her eyes....the tiny smile on her lips....she knows. She knows she is blessed. She knows she is a Newlin.
Love to all of you.
I keep wondering how the pictures can get any better, and they do!!! These were WONDERFUL. I loved the one of the girls on the red couch and who had too much to drink? That was priceless. Sophia looked beautiful. Thank you Elizabeth. And loved the one of Maggie and Sophia. Also, found the chicken head. ug! Matt, did you really try all of that stuff? Ali, loved the one of you and Maggie - what a wonderful big sister. What a wonderful experience. You are going to have to write a book.
Love you all so much.
Granny LaDanta
RED COUCH!!!!! Cant wait to see you all! And while sophi is too cute in the girl pictures, my favorite might be the little girl being caught while doing the dive off of the couch... i take it she was done?
I didn't know about the red couch.
So do all the little adoped children get their picture taken on the couch? Sophia is beautiful in her red dress.
Yes I found the chicken head was that for real? Matthew did you eat a little of everything? How did the rest of you do with the food?
Looking at the soup made me hungry.
It is getting closer and my prayers are still there for you all.
Love xoxoxo,
Grandma Jane
Dear Elizabeth Michael and Family...
Definately that RED dress...makes it a red letter day... Sophia is a beautiful little Lotus Blossom. I hope I can this printed on convass at Kinkos.
Thanks for all your efforts of putting news and pictures on...I know how it is warming the hearts of all your families here in States.
Well you don't know Nevada news...which is record breaking news here...July 4th it was 106 degrees at 5pm and 128 degrees in Las I was out running erronds...and at 3pm while out Reno reached 113 degrees...broke all was 108 at 5pm and about 96 right now at 11:45pm!!
Elizabeth your dear Mom and I look at your pictures it is great fun for the two of us.
Best wishes to all of you, and May God bless you and yours always,
Aunt DEe
those pictures made me smilelaugh....ah.the picture where shes by the chair...she looks so happy...and the pic with all the little china babies on the couch...awwwell looks like a great trip...we all miss you guys
What precious little girls! Sophia is beautiful and I absolutly love the red dress! It is perfectly girly! I can't wait to see her and you all in person.
To all you reading the blog the Newlin family will be flying out of Hong Kong at 1:20 pm China time, so the middle of Friday night here in the states, prayers for a safe and peaceful 13 hour flight! What a blessing it has been to experience this with everyone. Sophia will have so much love in her life!
I am LOVING Sophi's outfit. Chic, very chic haha! I've been reading your blogs daily and absolutely LOVE being able to experience this with you! I still remember the day you told us you were going to do this! Oh! And may I say, that you guys win the prize for best pictures EVER on this trip! little side note for matt--you are crazy and your pictures remind me of mine (does your family ever make fun of you for making weird faces in pictures and not smiling?...mine do bahahaha) I guess he smiles in some pictures...oh well. Anywayyyy...I am everything possible that you can come visit us in Hilton Head!!! I miss you guys all SO much-you have NO idea! Just think of the fun we can have! Romantic dinner? Long walks on the beach? ...ok so that was a joke but WE WOULD HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!! Ok, I'll stop pressuring you now. Enjoy the rest of your trip and give everyone kisses from me! (...hopefully I can do that myself in person when you come visit in Hilton Head???) I LOVE YOU ALL!
love, allison
How can you read the blog, look at the pictures, and not just SMILE! Sophi is ADORABLE in her red dress. Where was the Newlin Fam picture on the red couch?
I am counting the days till the 17th when I get hold this little blessing in my arms. Wow! She will be here with all of us soon and in her cute little room, too. She is truly an answered prayer worth waiting for!
Love you all!
People should read this.
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